Wednesday, 19 October 2016

cool notepad tricks and tips 2016

Posted by Unknown
Notepad has some other cool features also rather than just taking some sort notes and writing. Today, we are going to learn some of those best and cool notepad tricks.

Notepad is writing program and notes taking program available in approximately all versions of windows. Notepad is normally used to write some important notes. But it is also used for writing codes of programming languages. Text files created by notepad have .txt extension.

Read More:- How to convert text to audio using notepad

Notepad tricks and geeks

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Best notepad tricks are used for tricking purpose like tricking your computer user friends just by some simple tricky codes in notepad. And today here i am sharing with you some of those best cool notepad tricks.

cool notepad tricks

cool notepad tricks and hacks

1 -> Create and Maintain a personal diary.
In this trick, We will simply write a three character word and the that notepad file will become a personal diary for you. When you will open it, you gonna see date of that day and you can write all your personal things in that file just like maintaining a personal diary.
So simply open notepad and write below code in that and then save that file.

2 -> Error ! Error ! Error
Another tricky thing, We are going to write a simple code of visual basic in notepad and then we will save it with fake.vbs name. This file will show error message every time when anyone open it.

fake error notepad trick

Step 1:- Open notepad and type below code in it.

X=Msgbox(“Error Message”,0+16,” Title”)

Step 2:- Replace Error message with your message that you wants to show while error and Title with your error windows title.
Step 3:- Now save this file with fake.vbs name. Now when anyone click on this file it will show them an error.

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3 -> Open notepad continuously
In this trick, we are going to write a code in notepad that will open notepad window continuously till anyone stop it. Again we will write code in visual basic and then we will save it with loop.vbs extension.

matrix notepad trick

Step 1:- Open notepad and type below code in it.

@ECHO off
START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe
GOTO top
Step 2:- Now save this file with loop.vbs and this file will open uncountable notepad continuously till you stop it.

4-> Shutdown your computer by giving a reason
Now you don't need to click on Start > Shutdown and then ok button to shutdown your computer. In this trick, we will make a file using code which will perform this task for us. You need on click on that file and that file will shutdown your computer.

Step 1:- Like every time, Open notepad and type below code in it.
@echo off
msg * System will Shutdown now
shutdown -c "Bye!" –s
Step 2:- Save this file with shutdown.vbs name. Now you just need to click on this file to
shutdown your computer.

5-> Its time for Matrix effect
Have you ever seen the Matrix movie, In our this trick we are going to write batch scripting code to creat matrix effect like in Matrix movie. We need to save this file with matrix.bat
Step 1-> Open notepad and write below code.
@echo off
color 02
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
goto start
Step 2:- Save this file with matrix.bat name and you will see green code falling effect.
6-> Make your CD/DVD reader open and eject every time
Lets have some fun with hardware, In this trick we will write a code in notepad to open and close CD/DVD reader  Again we will use visual basic code and then we will save file with eject.vbs name

Step 1:- Write below code in notepad

Set oWMP = CreateObject(“WMPlayer.OCX.7”)
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1
End If
wscript.sleep 5000
Step 2:- Now save this file with eject.vbs and it will eject or close DVD reader continuously in loop till you stop it.

7-> You can see three LED lights on your keyboard indicating caps lock, num lock and scroll lock respectively. In our this trick, we are going to make those led lights turn on and off.
Step 1:- Write below code in notepad.
Set wshShell=wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"

Step 2:- Save this file as led.vbs and when you will click on this file, your keyboard lights will flush.
So these are some of the best and cool notepad tricks tried and found working. But you need to save these file with their proper extensions.

Read More:- 19 cool notepad tricks and tips

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